
Grilled lobster with herb butter

Lobster: the main ingredient of the dish, which is grilled to perfection, giving it a smoky and charred flavor. Herb butter: a mixture of fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, and chives, blended with butter to make a rich and flavorful sauce for the lobster. Lemon: adds a tangy and refreshing taste to the dish, and also helps to balance out the richness of the herb butter. Garlic: a classic flavor enhancer


Pan-seared sea bass with lemon and caper sauce

Sea bass fillets, lemon juice, capers, olive oil, garlic


Filet mignon with red wine reduction and truffle mashed potatoes

Filet mignon steak, red wine, beef stock, truffles, potatoes


Seared scallops with creamy risotto and asparagus

Scallops, arborio rice, chicken or vegetable broth, parmesan cheese, asparagus


Grilled shrimp skewers with pineapple salsa

Shrimp, pineapple, bell peppers, red onion, olive oil


Vegetarian quinoa and roasted vegetable stir fry with soy ginger glaze

Quinoa, assorted vegetables (such as bell peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant), soy sauce, ginger, garlic


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